Lisa Makrides, MD, PC
The body’s capability to restore damaged cells and bones with its own blood is truly the future of medicine. Damaged cells in both humans and animals can now be restored by using their own blood. After processing the blood, the ability of the healing capable cells is increased. When these cells are tangled in the natural scaffolding of the protein, the new cells are created at a faster rate and regenerate.
The body heals itself when injured by sending platelets which carry growth factors to the injured area. These growth factors initiate new blood circulation and cell formation to repair the injured area by sending chemical signals to the surrounding area. This multiplies the growth factors; thereby increasing their healing properties.
For facial rejuvenation techniques are utilized to prove overall facial tone, texture, and collagen. Several treatments are recommended over weeks and months to get the full benefit. For more information please call our office.
How is Platelet Rich Plasma obtained?
First, blood is drawn from the patient under sterile techniques. The blood sample is then put into a centrifuge machine to separate the different blood components. This process is completed twice to obtain the maximum number of platelets possible. Once the platelets are separated they are injected into the desired treatment area.
Potential Side Effects?
PRP is a very safe treatment, especially since the patients own blood is being used. There is occasional injection site discomfort. Infection or tissue damage is possible but extremely rare.
Treatment Areas
Treatment areas of PRP include
Torn tendons
Muscle injuries
Arthritis related pain
Joint injuries
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